Red Dot Award Brands & Communication Design 2025

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Red Dot Award Brands & Communication Design 2025

Red Dot Award Brands & Communication Design 2025 is now open for entries!

Red Dot Award Brands & Communication Design 2025 : The Red Dot Award Brands & Communication Design 2025 now is open for submissions and once again gives communication designers, marketing experts and young talents from all over the world the chance to enter their best communication projects and advertising campaigns.

Short description

The next round of the Red Dot Award Brands & Communication Design, an international design competition has started and entries are being accepted for 2025.

The competition is divided into two sections. In the “Brands” section, companies have the chance to present their brand in its entirety. By contrast, the “Communication Design” section provides a forum where individual works and projects in communication design can be entered in different categories.

The “Communication Design” section is open to works that were published after 1 July 2022 or will be published before 1 July 2025 and that were not already entered in the Red Dot Award: Brands & Communication Design in the past. There are no restrictions for the “Brands” section. Projects realised solely in order to take part in the Red Dot Award: Brands & Communication Design cannot be entered.

All of the jurors for the Red Dot Award Brands & Communication Design are rich in experience and expertise. Every year, the international experts make a pivotal contribution to the quality of the Red Dot Label. Informed by the motto “In search of good design and creativity”, the Red Dot Jury assesses the quality of the entries and decides on the distinctions to be awarded.

The Red Dot Junior Award is part of the “Communication Design” section. It is geared to newcomers in design. The work submitted in the Junior Award must have been created either as part of a student’s degree or apprenticeship or – in the case of young professionals – as part of a commissioned project.

The winners will be celebrated in Berlin as part of the Red Dot Gala on 7 November 2025.

Who may enter?

The Red Dot Award Brands & Communication Design 2025 competition is open to agencies, designers and companies from all over the globe.


Winners will benefit from exclusive use of the Red Dot Label, which communicates news of your design strength in a high-profile manner. Furthermore, your project is presented to a wide audience via digital channels, yearbook and museums.

The Red Dot Junior Prize comes with prize money of 10,000 EUR and is awarded each year to the best junior piece of work entered in the competition.

Entry fees:

Entry fee vary depends on the date for registering and of category choosed and starts from 215 Euro during the Early Bird period (10 February – 7 March 2025). There is an junior discount of 10% for registration.

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