Stanford Center on Longevity Design Challenge 2022-2023
Stanford Center on Longevity Design Challenge 2022-2023 now is over!
Stanford Center on Longevity Design Challenge 2022-2023: The annual Stanford Center on Longevity Design Challenge 2022-2023 now in its 10th edition is opened for entries and offers cash prizes and free entrepreneur mentorship in a competition open to all university students around the world who want to design products and services which optimize long life for us all.
➜ Short description
The 10th annual Stanford Center on Longevity Design Challenge 2022-2023 recently has been announced, open to university students around the world who are interested in designing for connected, healthy, purposeful long lives.
The theme for 2023 is “Optimizing Health Span: Living Well at Every Age“.
The Stanford Center on Longevity Design Challenge offers over $20K in cash prizes and free entrepreneur mentorship.
The 2022-2023 Challenge focuses on the optimization of health span – the period of life spent in good health, free from chronic diseases and disabilities.
Create a design for a product, service, or program that addresses this year challenge topic.
Examples of designs include (but are not limited to) solutions that:
➜ Increase physical activity
➜ Improve diet
➜ Improve sleep
➜ Reduce chronic disease
➜ Improve mental health
➜ Enhance social connection
The 6-8 Finalist teams will be announced on 25 January 2023.
The Final competition will be held at Stanford University in April 2023 (conditions permitting; exact date TBD).
➜ Who may enter?
Each team must consist of at least one full-time student from any accredited institution of higher education anywhere in the world (can be undergraduate or graduate). Teams may have a total of up to 5 members, and may include non-students. Students may also compete alone, as a team of 1. Only students are allowed to present at the Finals.
➜ Prize:
A total of more than $17,000 in cash prizes will be awarded, and finalists will receive paid travel to Stanford, where they will present their designs to renowned industry, academic, and government leaders.
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