Spirito Di Vino International Illustrators Competition 2021

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Spirito Di Vino International Illustrators Competition 2021

Spirito Di Vino International Illustrators Competition 2021 now is over!

Spirito Di Vino International Illustrators Competition 2021: Spirito Di Vino International Illustrators Competition 2021 organised by Movimento Turismo del Vino Friuli Venezia Giulia, now is opened for entries and like every year is dedicate to artists of satirical cartoons concerning the world and culture of wine.

Short description

Spirito di Vino, now in its 22nd edition, is an international annual competition for artists of satirical cartoons which brings together the most beautiful and amusing satirical cartoons on the theme of wine made from cartoonists around the world.

Spirito di Vino (“Spirit of Wine”) is the international competition of “wine satire” born in the 2000’s by virtue of the Movimento Turismo del Vino Friuli Venezia Giulia, for give the young cartoonist the possibility of illustrate the world of wine in an original way, through the scratchy language of the satire. The choice to entrust a message about wine to the pungent expression of satire is what has always distinguished this competition. An original and captivating challenge, in which the theme of wine turns out to be a cultural element capable of being an infinite inspiration for new creations.

Cartoonists taking part to the competition are divided in two groups:

➜ Artists from 18 to 35 years old
➜ Artists older than 36 years

Due to the current situation we cannot guarantee the chosen pieces will be exhibited or awards will be presented in person. Further details will be sent to those selected as soon as possible.

Submission requirements:

The satirical cartoons can be drawn manually with any technique, black and white or colour, only in A3 format with 1 cm of external border. Each participant is entitled to submit 1 work only. The works shall be sent as hard copies.

Who may enter?

The competition is open to artists coming from Italy and abroad, exclusively on an individual basis, over 18 years old.


The prizes up for grabs for the three winners will be distributed as follows:

➜ 1° prize - “under”: 78 bottles
➜ 2° prize - “under”: 54 bottles
➜ 3° prize - “under”: 30 bottles

➜ 1° prize - “over”: 78 bottles
➜ 2° prize - “over”: 54 bottles
➜ 3° prize - “over”: 30 bottles

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