NTU Global Digital Art Prize 2022
NTU Global Digital Art Prize 2022 now is over!
NTU Global Digital Art Prize 2022: The NTU Global Digital Art Prize, biennial competition that recognises global artists and technologists with extraordinary creativity in digitally mediated art, design and cultural heritage, has been recently opened for entries for 2022.
➜ Short description
The NTU Global Digital Art Prize is back and now open for submissions!
Taking the form of a biennial competition, the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Global Digital Art Prize (NTU-GDAP) is where artistry, technological innovations and scientific interests collide. It recognises global artists, technologists and scientists with extraordinary creativity in digitally mediated art, design and cultural heritage. The Prize aims to nurture and catalyse the vast potential of creativity in digital art, culture, and technology to better the human condition.
Artwork must be related to the theme of NTU-GDAP 2022: Sustainable People, Inspiring Change.
Artwork can be in any medium, size, format, genre or approach, but must engage digital media in its creation process at the crossings of science and technology with the arts.
Organizer seeks creative projects at the intersections of science, technology and art that contribute to building more equal, inclusive, and sustainable economies and societies to tackle the global challenges.
Projects must not be more than 3 years old or otherwise, must showcase newness, that have significant updates or further developments in the past three years.
The judging panel, which comprises of distinguished experts from all over the world will be looking out for artworks based on the following criteria:
➜ Relevance to the theme
➜ Artistic excellence and innovation
➜ Integration of digital methods and components
➜ Synergy between science (in its broader sense), technology and the arts
The best submissions will be invited to showcase at the exhibition in Singapore in December 2022, with logistics, insurance, installation costs, travel and accommodation covered. Shortlisted teams will also be able to further develop their projects towards the finals eligible to obtain financial and technical support from partnering research labs and centres at NTU.
➜ Submission requirements:
Accepted media (can include one or more of the following):
➜ 2D, 3D, or 4D
➜ AI and robotics in arts and culture
➜ Animation
➜ Bio-digital
➜ Conceptual or poetic
➜ Film and video
➜ Installations
➜ Interactive
➜ Online, social media, and mixed media forms
➜ Painting, photography, and wall-based work
➜ Performative arts
➜ Physical computing
➜ Who may enter?
The competition is open to interdisciplinary teams of international professionals and local students.
➜ Prize:
The best submissions will be invited to showcase at the exhibition in Singapore in December 2022, with logistics, insurance, installation costs, travel and accommodation covered. Shortlisted teams will also be able to further develop their projects towards the finals with financial support of up to S$2,000 and technical support (e.g. 3D printing of components) from partnering research labs and centres at NTU.
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