Design for Sustainable Cities - International Competition

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Design for Sustainable Cities - International Competition

Design for Sustainable Cities - International Competition now is over!

Design for Sustainable Cities - International Competition: BE OPEN Foundation and Cumulus are hosting a Design for Sustainable Cities - International Competition, design competition to encourage creation of innovative solutions, by younger creatives, for more sustainable cities.

Short description

'Design for Sustainable Cities' is an international student competition, being held by BE OPEN and Cumulus.

The competition aims to encourage creation of innovative solutions, by younger creatives, for more sustainable cities.

The focus of the competition is the United Nations’ SDG11: Sustainable Cities and Communities. According to UN data, 2007 marked the shift to an urban world, with more than half of the world’s population now living in urban settings, cities and communities, and urban inhabitation is projected to rise to 60% by 2030. Cities and metropolitan areas are powerhouses of economic growth. However, this growth goes hand in hand with increased carbon emissions and escalating resource consumption.

To attain the UN SDGs we need to think out of box the goals. We need creative thinking – design thinking - and creative action. Design has a crucial role to play as an instrument or vehicle for the implementation of the UN SDGs. BE OPEN and Cumulus, and all of the stakeholders involved in this international competition programme, strongly believe that creativity is integral in the shift to sustainable existence.
The objective of 'Design for Sustainable Cities' is to recognize, showcase and promote the best design ideas and projects that embody and can advance the principles, aims and implementation of United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

With 'Design for Sustainable Cities', organiser is specifically calling for submissions of design solutions for SDG 11* Sustainable Cities and Communities, focusing on one or more of the following three urban themes: Co-Created Cities; Sharing Cities; Safe and Sound Cities.

Winners in all prize categories will be expected to attend a live awards ceremony that will take place during the Cumulus Conference Roma 2021: Design Culture(s) at Sapienza University of Rome in June 2021.

Who may enter?

This international competition is open to students and graduates of all art, design, architecture and media disciplines of universities and colleges worldwide.


Your individual or team submission can win:

➜ the Main prize of €5,000
➜ the Founder’s Choice prize of €3,000
➜ the Public Vote prize of €2,000
➜ the Safe City prize of €2,000

or enter the list of 50 honorary mentions and be featured in the competition’s online gallery.

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