CBDX: Cities for All

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CBDX: Cities for All

CBDX: Cities for All now is over!

CBDX: Cities for All: The CBDX: Cities for All, international design ideas competition has been recently organised by School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape (SAPL) at the University of Calgary, inviting interested participants to propose design counterpoints to the questions weighing on our collective conscience resulting from the current social and political climate.

Short description

This international design ideas competition, the first in the CBDX series and recently organised by School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape (SAPL) at the University of Calgary, intended to spark an international discussion around equitable, inclusive cities.

The CBDX: Cities for All invites interested participants to propose design counterpoints to the questions weighing on our collective conscience resulting from the current social and political climate. Given the uncertainty we are all facing due to the global pandemic, the unceasing threat of environmental degradation and increasing social inequity, we find ourselves at a necessary juncture to reconsider how we live and how we, as designers, can help others to live.

What does a city for all look like? How does it operate and function? How can it come into being? What place, structure, thing, system, process, or relationship must be forged to engender a more just and equitable ‘city for all’? And in particular—this is perhaps the most crucial question—the competition asks, How are these aims navigated by, through, and with the current uncertainty wrought by the ongoing global pandemic and the long-term existential threats of environmental degradation and climate change? The CBDX: CITIES FOR ALL International Design Ideas Competition asks entrants to:

➜ Choose a non-fictional site on Earth—this could be an entire city itself, a neighborhood, a block, a building, a street, an alley, a bus stop;

➜ Choose a non-fictional human client(s) that has been underrepresented, undervalued and/or under-addressed in prevailing/dominant design discourse; and,

➜ You can design any place, structure, thing, system, process, or relationship that increases the inclusion, belonging and equity of your client within the context of your site.

The winners will be announced on February 10, 2021.

Who may enter?

This international design ideas competition is open to all student and professionals, individuals and teams from any discipline and from any part of the world.


3 winners to each receive $2,000 CAD, a certificate, publication in the inaugural CBDX issue, and exhibited in a curated exhibition of the competition’s selected entries.

12 honorable mentions to each receive a certificate, publication in the inaugural CBDX issue, and exhibited in a curated exhibition of the competition’s selected entries.

up to 35 finalists to be exhibited in a curated exhibition of the competition’s selected entries.

Entry fees:

Entry fee is $30 CAD (students) and $60 CAD (professionals) during the Early (October 1st - 31st, 2020) registration priod. After that period ends the amount will increase.

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