BlueCat Screenplay Competition 2021
BlueCat Screenplay Competition 2021 now is over!
BlueCat Screenplay Competition 2021: The BlueCat Screenplay Competition 2021 now is calling for entries accepting submissions and like every year calling for original and unpublished, feature and short screenplays, as well as pilot scripts from all around the world.
➜ Short description
The BlueCat Screenplay Competition 2021, now in its 23rd year is accepting submissions! BlueCat remains committed to the undiscovered writer and continues its tradition of providing written analysis on every script submitted.
Founded in 1998 by WGA writer Gordy Hoffman, the BlueCat Screenplay Competition continues its mission of developing the undiscovered writer. BlueCat has supported thousands of screenwriters through written analysis provided to all entrants, many of whom have gone on to successful careers in the film and television industry. BlueCat remains committed to the undiscovered writer and continues its tradition of providing written analysis on every script submitted.
Organiser accepts features, episodic pilots, and short film scripts.
➜ Submission requirements:
➜ feature screenplays must be between 65-125 pages in length.
➜ pilot scripts must be between 20-75 pages.
➜ short screenplays must be between 1-29 pages in length.
➜ there is no limit to the number of entries you may submit. You may submit a script once. You may not submit the same script more than once.
➜ all script entries must be uploaded in PDF format.
➜ all submissions must be original, and the sole property of the applicant(s).
➜ all entries must be in English.
➜ previous winners of the BlueCat Screenplay Competition are not eligible.
Winners will be announced on May 18th, 2021.
➜ Prize:
➜ The Grand Prize Winner will receive $5,000.
➜ The Feature Screenplay Winner will receive $2,000. Four Feature Finalists will receive $1,000 each.
➜ The Pilot Winner will receive $2,000. Four Pilot Finalists will receive $1000 each.
➜ The Short Script Winner will receive $2,000. Four Shorts Finalists will receive $1000 each.
➜ The Fellini Award will be awarded to the Best Screenplay from any category (Feature, Pilots or Short) of the 2020 Competition written by a screenwriter residing outside the USA and will receive $1,000.
➜ Entry fees:
Entry fee starts from $55 for Pilot entry during the final deadline period (25th October 2020), after that period ends amount of entry will increase.
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