Architecture Drawing Prize 2021

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Architecture Drawing Prize 2021

Architecture Drawing Prize 2021 now is over!

Architecture Drawing Prize 2021: Now in its fift editon The Architecture Drawing Prize 2021, international competition is calling for entries inviting all architects, designers and students from across the world to participate.

Short description

Entries for The Architecture Drawing Prize 2021 are now open for submission inviting all architects, designers and students from across the world!

The Architecture Drawing Prize is an international competition that celebrates the art and skill of architectural drawing. The prize is curated by Make Architects, Sir John Soane’s Museum and the World Architecture Festival.
In the spirit of many great architects of the past, from Palladio and John Soane to Le Corbusier and Cedric Price, it’s an ideal platform for reflecting on and exploring how drawing continues to advance the art of architecture today.

Drawings must have been completed over the past 18 months.

There will be also 'Lockdown Prize'. The prize will be awarded to any of the shortlisted drawings relating to the theme of lockdown due to the current global pandemic. Whether it be a drawing you completed during lockdown or a drawing relating to the changes that Covid-19 will bring to architecture.

Candidates whose work is shortlisted will be responsible for providing their entries in exhibition-ready form (original if hand-drawn or hybrid with significant input from hand-drawing; for digital material in the form intended for display - either high quality print or digital file if intended to be seen on screen).

Evaluation Criteria:

Technical skill
Success in conveying a design idea, be it a general concept or a specific proposal
Originality of approach
Quality of drawing irrespective of the project it may represent (built, unbuilt or purely conceptual)
Extent to which the drawing makes a proposition about architecture, rather than simply recording it

All entrants will be informed if they have been selected by early November.

Who may enter?

The Architecture Drawing Prize 2021 all architects, designers and students from across the world to participate.


The winning and commended entries will go on display at a dedicated exhibition at Sir John Soane's Museum in London and will also be showcased online during a virtual event.

The winners will also receive a delegate pass to the World Architecture Festival where they have their work on display and they will be presented with their award.

Entry fees:

➜ Standard: £198 (including VAT)
➜ Students and under 30s: £24 (including VAT)

If you submit three or more projects you can save 10%.

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