2022 Bow Seat Ocean Awareness Student Contest
2022 Bow Seat Ocean Awareness Student Contest now is over!
2022 Bow Seat Ocean Awareness Student Contest: The Bow Seat Ocean Awareness Student Contest, international competitions for students organized by Bow Seat, is recently opened for entries in its 2022 edition and like every year invites middle and high school students from around the world to participate.
Short description
The 2022 Bow Seat Ocean Awareness Student Contest, now is calling for entries, this time themed 'The Funny Thing About Climate Change'.
The Ocean Awareness Contest this time challenges students to learn about climate change and its impact on the ocean, and to explore new ways to communicate the urgency of the climate crisis.
Bow Seat are looking for innovative pieces that challenge our expectations for what climate change messaging should look like. How can you talk about climate change in a fresh way? How can you capture attention without sacrificing your message?
Use humor, positivity, irony, or other unconventional approaches that are not typically used in environmental communication to address the climate crisis. Think outside the tackle-box, beyond clichés, to create something that makes the topic of climate change and our oceans more approachable and accessible.
Humor, satire, and irony are powerful communication tools. Yes, even for an issue as serious as climate change. Studies have shown that humor can break down barriers, empower people, and instill hope. In other words, humor is disarming and provides a safe way for people to approach and understand divisive topics like climate change. Humor and satire capture attention… they are effective ways to make sure your message is heard.
Submissions are accepted in:
➜ Visual Art
➜ Creative Writing
➜ Film
➜ Interactive & Multimedia
➜ Performing Arts: Music & Dance
➜ Poetry & Spoken Word
Who may enter?
Students ages 11-18 from around the world are invited to participate in the Ocean Awareness Contest. Students can participate as an individual or as a club, class, or group of any size.
Gold, Silver and Bronze Award winners, as well as Honorable Mention winners will be announced in each contest division. Several other special awards will be announced as well.
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