2021 Bow Seat Ocean Awareness Student Contest

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2021 Bow Seat Ocean Awareness Student Contest

2021 Bow Seat Ocean Awareness Student Contest now is over!

2021 Bow Seat Ocean Awareness Student Contest: The 2021 Bow Seat Ocean Awareness Student Contest, international competitions for students organised by Bow Seat, is recently opened for entries for 2021 and like every year invites middle and high school students from around the world to participate.

Short description

The Bow Seat Ocean Awareness Art Contest 2021, international competitions for students, now is opened for entries calling for young artists, conservationists, makers, thinkers, and activists who are concerned about the future of our blue planet.

The theme of this year competition is: ’Water Rising’.

The 2021 Ocean Awareness Contest theme WATER RISING challenges students to explore and understand their connection to water, and to creatively communicate the need to protect this vital resource and life-sustaining relationship. What are the stories we need to tell about water to sustain and conserve it for current and future generations of life on Earth?

Submission requirements:

➜ All submissions must include a written reflection (artist’s statement) of up to 250 words and include a bibliography crediting sources citing any ideas, facts, quotes, or existing media used in your artwork that are not own.

➜ Your submission, supporting materials and accompanying reflection must be in English.

➜ Students may submit only 1 entry per category. You may enter up to 6 pieces, one in each category.

Evaluation Criteria:

How well they address the annual theme of the Contest
Artistic voice, originality, and imagination
Craftsmanship, including quality, technique, attention to detail, and accuracy of communicating issues
Meeting the Contest submission requirements (such as length, file type, etc.)

Who may enter?

Students ages 11-18 from around the world are invited to participate in the Ocean Awareness Contest. Students can participate as an individual or as a club, class, or group of any size.


Gold, Silver and Bronze Award winners, as well as Honorable Mention winners will be announced in each contest division. Several other special awards will be announced as well. More than $5,000 will be awarded in 2021.

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