5th Bolu International Poster Design Competition

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5th Bolu International Poster Design Competition

5th Bolu International Poster Design Competition is now open for entries!

5th Bolu International Poster Design Competition : The 5th BIAH, poster design competition, jointly organized by Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University and Faculty of Education is held within the scope of 3 December International Day of Peoples With Disability to contribute to the goals of Good Health and and Well-being and Reduced Inequalities in line with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

Short description

The 5th BIAH is jointly organized by BAIBU Faculty of Fine Arts and Faculty of Education. Different departments of the two faculties came together to collaborate and raise awareness on this important issue. This competition is held within the scope of 3 December International Day of Peoples With Disability. For this purpose, the 5th BIAH poster design competition is organized by Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University to contribute to the goals of Good Health and Well-being and Reduced Inequalities in line with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

This year’s theme is “Disabled Individuals in Society“.

Designers are expected to create designs that examine the following sub-themes. Participants can submit posters regarding each sub-theme.

Where am I in disability equality?
Designs that address preventing discrimination in areas such as education, employment, health services, and transportation and provide the same opportunities to disabled individuals.

Where am I regarding disability from the past to the present?
Designs address the changing quality of life of disabled individuals from past to present.

Where am I in social participation?
Designs that address the social interaction of disabled individuals, their active role in areas such as business and education, their participation in cultural events and their participation in social decision- making processes.

Where do I stand in disability empathy?
Designs that address the obstacles that disabled individuals face in daily life, the physical or emotional difficulties and the discrimination they experience in society.

Where am I regarding disability rights?
Designs that address the national and international legal rights of disabled individuals and the implementation of these rights, ensuring the full and effective participation of disabled individuals in social, economic, cultural and political fields.

Where am I in the education of disabled people?
Designs that address the lifelong learning needs of disabled individuals and enable them to become independent in society.

Where am I in the employment of disabled people?
Designs that address practices that do not allow disabled individuals to fully use their economic independence and potential but enable them to become independent and productive in society.

Where am I in barrier-free sports?
Designs addressing sporting events that are open to everyone’s participation without any barriers or restrictions.

Where am I in the art and culture of people with disabilities?
Designs that address the richness of disabled artists and their culture.

Where am I in disability accessibility and universal design?
Designs that address accessibility of disabled people to technology, socio-cultural areas, public services, education and universal design elements that facilitate this accessibility.

For the first time this year, BIAH (Bolu International Art Hall) will crown the event with a physical exhibition. On 3 December 2024, World Disability Day, the posters of the selected designers will be exhibited in Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University’s art gallery. Additionally, a digital catalogue will be published, and certificates will be sent to the designers digitally.

Submission requirements:

➜ There is no limit on poster submission.
➜ The language of the messages/slogans to be used on the submitted designs must be written in English and/or the native language.
➜ A verbal message (title, slogan, etc.) that supports the visual design can be used in the posters.
➜ Posters should be worked as 3508 x 4961px (A3), 300dpi, RGB (vertical), and sent in JPEG/JPG format.
➜ Submitted designs must have yet to be exhibited, published, or awarded anywhere before.

Who may enter?

This competition is open to everyone worldwide.

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