World Press Photo Contest 2021

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World Press Photo Contest 2021

World Press Photo Contest 2021 now is over!

World Press Photo Contest 2021: The World Press Photo Contest, the most prestigious international competition for photojournalism in the world, recently has been open for entries for 2021 inviting all professional press photographers, photo agencies, newspapers and magazines from anywhere in the world to partecipate.

Short description

The annual World Press Photo Contest, the most prestigious international competition for photojournalism in the world once again is open for entries bringing together pictures from all parts of the globe to reflect trends and developments in photojournalism.

The World Press Photo Contest rewards photographers for the best single exposure pictures contributing to the past year of visual journalism.

Submission requirements:

All pictures entered to the singles and stories category must have been shot in 2020. Pictures can be submitted whether or not they have been published.

Evaluation Criteria:

Whether entered as singles or stories, these pictures are judged in terms of their accurate, fair, and visually compelling insights about our world.

Who may enter?

This competition is open to professional photographers only.


• The World Press Photo of the Year: 5,000 EUR
• The World Press Photo Story of the Year: 5,000 EUR

Moreover, all nominated photographers of the photo contest will be included in the annual World Press Photo year-long worldwide exhibition, in the annual collectable yearbook and in the online collection, and they will have a personal profile on World Press Photo’s website.

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