The Cuban square competition 2022
The Cuban square competition 2022 now is over!
The Cuban square competition 2022: TerraViva Competitions recently has announced The Cuban Square, a new architecture competition that aims to explore the potentialities of Plaza de la Revolución (Havana, Cuba) in order to come up with creative design proposals capable of giving it a new life.
➜ Short description
TerraViva Competitions launches The Cuban Square, a new architecture competition that aims to explore the potentialities of Plaza de la Revolución (Havana, Cuba) in order to come up with creative design proposals capable of giving it a new life.
How could it be transformed into a place for community life and social interaction? What kind of intervention might turn the square into a livelier area, accessible and functional for both local dwellers and international tourists?
The idea behind the TerraViva initiative is to challenge the new generations of designers to think outside the box and to deal with the most current urban issues with a strategic vision.
Thanks to its extraordinary historical memory and to the authenticity of its precious architectural legacy, Havana can certainly be considered a “Heritage City”. Its genuine and engaging spirit derives not only from the renowned quality of its music and rhythms, its lively street life and friendly atmosphere, but also and specially from its built environment.
The designation of Old Havana as a UNESCO site in 1982 was an important distinction that drew the attention to the preservation of its urban fabric. The program to recover the historical centre had global recognition and it has expanded successfully to other Cuban cities, contributing to the preservation of the local culture and to the development of new touristic appeal.
Unfortunately, during the last decades it has not been possible to replicate these experiences in other neighborhoods beyond the Old Havana, where the implementation of comprehensive programs is highly required. In fact, there is actually one particular place that outstands among the others and which deserves special attention, not only for its massive extension but also for its unique history: Plaza de la Revolución.
Thought and imagined as the new heart of the Cuban capital, the current state of the square is way far from that reality. Surrounded by the concrete building of the Ministry of the Interior – known for the huge mural of Che Guevara – and by the Telecommunications one with the iconic image of Camilo Cienfuegos, Plaza de la Revolución seems to be standing still, waiting to be to be rediscovered…
➜ Submission requirements:
➜ Competitors have to submit two A1 panels (59,4 x 84,1 cm) landscape oriented + a brief text describing the proposal (up to 250 words). Panels must contain all the necessary graphic information to explain the project in the best way possible (title, diagrams, sketches, 3D visualizations, plans and sections, collages, model photos, etc.). All kinds of graphic representations will be accepted.
➜ Who may enter?
The competition is open to students, architects, designers, urbanists, engineers, artists, makers, activists and anyone interested in the fields of design and architecture. Participants can join the competition either individually or with a team.
➜ Prize:
Prizes up to 6.000 Euro will be awarded to the winners selected by an international jury panel.
➜ Entry fees:
Entry fee during the Early registration (18th July — 9th September, 2022) period is 59 Euro. After that period ends the amount of entry fee will increase.
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