Tapirulan Illustrators Contest 2022

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Tapirulan Illustrators Contest 2022

Tapirulan Illustrators Contest 2022 now is over!

Tapirulan Illustrators Contest 2022: Tapirulan Cultural Association recently has opened registration for its 18th competition, this year themed “TILT“ and open to all super-illustrators, ready to surpass themselves and especially their competitors.

Short description

The Tapirulan Association recently has opened registration for 18th edition of its Tapirulan Illustrators Contest 2022.

The purpose of the Tapirulan contest is not only to award an illustrator, but also to produce an exciting show, attract visitors and focus public attention on illustration as a profession. A rich and colorful exhibition made up of three sections: the images selected by the jury, the winning illustrations from previous editions, and finally, the works of the special guest illustrator. The result is an exhibition of approximately 250 works.

The Tapirulan Illustrators Contest aims to support illustrators with a money prize as well as setting up a beautiful exhibition attracting visitors, both with the section dedicated to a special guest, and with the section dedicated to the selected authors and winner of the previous edition.

This year’s theme is 'TILT'. Any artist from any part of the world can enroll by sending an illustration in a square format.

Every candidate is allowed to submit only one brand-new work. Works which have been awarded prizes previously will not be accepted.

The jury will be composed of a special guest (to whom a monographic exhibition will be dedicated), illustrators, publishers and other professionals linked to the world of illustration and design.

Submission requirements:

➜ You may submit only one illustration. Any medium and technique are allowed. Each work must be square-shaped (not smaller than 25×25 centimetres and not bigger than 40×40 centimetres). In case of a digital image, it should be 31×31 centimetres (300 dpi – JPG format – best quality).

Who may enter?

Artists of all nationalities can participate in the competition. There is no age limit however underage candidates need parents’ authorization.


A jury will select 52 artworks to be published in the catalogue and to be displayed in the exhibition. Among the 52 works selected, 12 artworks will also be published on the calendar. Then a 2.500 euros prize will be awarded. The prize winner will be invited – in the next edition – to be part of the jury and to exhibit his works in a solo show at Spazio Tapirulan in Cremona. The 52 artworks selected by the jury will also be published in the exhibition catalogue and on line on the official website.

All the registered subscribers of tapirulan.it will be able to express their preferential votes. The artist who will get most of the votes will be awarded a 500 eurosprize. If the most voted candidate is also the winner selected by the jury, the prize will be awarded to the artist who came in second according to the on line vote.

Entry fees:

Entry fee is 15 euros. If you are a member of “Associazione Tapirulan” for the current year you can take part in the contest freely.

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