Porada International Design Award 2023

Porada International Design Award 2023 now is over!
Porada International Design Award 2023: Porada International Design Award 2022 is the new edition of the international design competition promoted by Porada and POLI.design, this time focused to identify new innovative concepts on different types of MIRRORS.
➜ Short description
PORADA ARREDI srl, in cooperation with POLI.design, founded by Politecnico di Milano, announces an international ideas competition to identify new innovative concepts on different types of MIRRORS (table mirror, wall mirror, structure or furnishing accessory, free-standing or incorporated in a piece of furniture, whose dominant element is a reflective surface), in which the use of solid wood is prevalent (but not necessarily exclusive) and which conveys the values and the identity of the Porada brand.
Wood, in natural wood, preferably from among those in the company's predominant use, or lacquered, may be combined with metal, glass and other materials.
Projects must be original and unpublished and exclusively developed for the competition. They must enhance the use of production technologies, woodworking processes and typical finishing of the solid wood and they must respond to the principle of functionality.
They must comply with the existing safety standards in force, also respecting ergonomic, environmental and sustainable design requirements.
Each participant (or group) is permitted to submit one project only.
The selection and evaluation of the projects will take into account their originality, the level of innovation and research of new design solutions referred to the typical processing of solid wood, the experimentation on materials and surface finishes, the ability of the projects to define and anticipate scenarios of use and innovative concepts in the use of wood furniture and contemporary furnishing accessories, with particular regard to typological, technological and morphological determinations.
➜ Submission requirements:
Each participant (or group) must submit:
1. a brief descriptive text-only report (max 3000 characters, i.e. no more than one page) without images, describing the motivations, the general concept, the characteristics of the project and the materials envisaged.
The pdf file of the report is must be contained in a vertical ISO-A4 format sheet (21 x 29.7 cm) and must be named 'relazione_codice'.
The header must contain only the alphanumeric code indicated in art. 2 and the project name/title, if any;
2. graphics consisting of no. 3 horizontal ISO-A3 tables (42 x 29.7 cm), in pdf format, composed on the layout of the table that can be downloaded from the website http://www.porada-design-award.polidesign.net, which must contain:
- Board 1: an overview, reference scenarios and modes of use, mood board, general concept of the object in the context of use and sources of inspiration;
- Board 2: technical drawings: plans, elevations, sections, axonometric views, exploded views, dimensioned construction drawings at appropriate scales and details of details and choice of materials, considered significant;
- Board 3: representation of the object, rendering, photos of the model.
The presentation boards should be combined into a single pdf file named 'tavole_codice' (maximum file size 5 Mb).
3. a preview image of the project, summarizing the salient features (which may correspond to the render or another image deemed important) and it will be the first image viewed by the judges to identify the project, in jpg format (maximum file size 1 Mb).
➜ Who may enter?
Porada International Design Award 2023 is open to Italian and foreign designers and creative people (individuals or groups), professionals or non-professionals, corporate employees and students. For both categories, group entries are also permitted.
➜ Prize:
The jury will choose three winners for each of the two categories (Students and Professionals) in the competition, who will receive their awards at a dedicated event. The total prize money of € 10.000 will be allocated as follows:
1st prize: € 3.000
2nd prize: € 2.000
3rd prize: € 1.000
STUDENT Category:
1st prize: € 2.000
2nd prize: € 1.200
3rd prize: € 800
It is also established the ’Special Mention Giacomo Allievi’ prize of the economic value of € 1.000 assignable to 1 student or 1 professional.
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