Killer Shorts - Horror Short Screenplay Competition 2021

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Killer Shorts - Horror Short Screenplay Competition 2021

Killer Shorts - Horror Short Screenplay Competition 2021 now is over!

Killer Shorts - Horror Short Screenplay Competition 2021: The Killer Shorts - Horror Short Screenplay Competition 2021, international annual competition now in its 3rd edition is calling for entries inviting all horror writers to submit they best horror screenplay.

Short description

The 3rd annual Killer Shorts Horror Short Screenplay Competition 2021, organized by Screenwriters Network, now is opened for entries calling all horror writers to participate!

The Killer Short Contest celebrates horror short screenwriters from around the world, connecting them with managers, producers, and filmmakers.

Submission guidelines:

➜ Your screenplay must be in the horror genre or one of its sub-genres such as horror comedy, horror western, horror thriller, horror sci-fi etc. Submissions will be treated equally irrespective of sub-genre by the judges.

➜ Screenplays submitted must not have been previously sold or produced unless said sale or production was competed with no financial gain to the writer.

➜ Screenplays must be a minimum of 1 page and a maximum of 25 pages. Any submission longer than 25 pages will be automatically disqualified.

➜ There is no limit to the number of projects you may submit.

➜ All submitted material must be original, and all rights must be wholly owned by the writer(s).

➜ Any winners may have their name, script title, and picture used for any Killer Shorts promotions.

➜ Former Winners of any Killer Shorts contest may enter so long as it is NOT the same script that won in a previous year.

The Top 10 winners will be read by a jury featuring over a dozen literary managers, producers, development executives, filmmakers, and even an iconic horror actress. The winner of Killer Shorts could well be the next Hollywood success story.

Note!Submissions will be accepted between July 1, 2020 and December 15, 2020.

Evaluation Criteria:

The readers will be judging your scripts based on the following: Plot, Character, Concept, Originality, Style, Dialogue, Formatting, Overall Writing Quality, Visual Inventiveness, and Potential for Feature Adaptation.

Who may enter?

This Killer Short Contest is open to anyone over 18 years old. Entrant’s total earnings for screenwriting for either film or TV, produced or unproduced, must not exceed $10,000 in the past 12 months.


As a part of the prize package, the Top 3 winners receive circulation and recommendation to a network of Hollywood managers, agents, producers, and development executives, Final Draft 12 screenwriting software, Shudder subscriptions, waived entry to multiple other contests and festivals, increased rank on Coverfly’s The Red List, and swag from sponsors like Creepy Co and Rue Morgue. The third place winner receives coverage notes from The Script Butcher.

Entry fees:

Entry fee for each screenplay is $20 until the Early deadline on September 1, 2020, then $25 until the Regular deadline on October 31, 2020, $30 until the Final deadline on November 25, 2020, and then $35 until the Extended deadline on December 15, 2020.

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