Hahnenkamm-Race 2023 Poster Design Contest
Hahnenkamm-Race 2023 Poster Design Contest now is over!
Hahnenkamm-Race 2023 Poster Design Contest: The Kitzbühel Ski Club (Kitzbühel, Austria) continue their annual tradition organizing its Hahnenkamm-Race 2023 Poster Design Contest, international competition and like every year invites artist from around the world to design the poster for the world’s most famous ski race, 2023 Hahnenkamm-Race poster.
➜ Short description
The Kitzbüheler Ski Club and the BTV are looking for the new poster for the world’s most famous ski race, Hahnenkamm Races in 2023 and hereby invite all interested parties to apply for the design of the poster.
Artists have been designing the posters for the Hahnenkamm race since 1987. Since that time, these posters have become collector’s items and are listed in the Olympic Museum in Lausanne.
There are no restrictions on the artistic style or design images used in submissions, however the artist should keep in mind that the content should reflect the event, the International Hahnenkamm Race.
The poster image itself is used to market the event on advertisements and other printed materials, such as tickets, merchandise and official website etc.
➜ Submission requirements:
➜ There must be only one original work measuring 84 cm by 59.4 cm (DIN A1) for each design submitted, saved as .jpg or .pdf format.
➜ You may submit a maximum of three posters. Submissions must be made in a digital format.
➜ The design should allow for additional text elements (event name, race schedule) and sponsor logos to be added at a later time. These elements are not to be included in the submission.
➜ Who may enter?
This competition is open to all persons worldwide.
➜ Prize:
The winner will receive 7,000 EUR and invitation to the Hahnenkamm-Race 2023.
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