Global Design iT Award 2022

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Global Design iT Award 2022

Global Design iT Award 2022 now is over!

Global Design iT Award 2022: Global Design iT Award, one of the most respected global design awards has been recently opened for entries for 2022 inviting product designers, visual communication designers, environmental designers, multimedia designers and service designers to submit their work.

Short description

Global Design iT Award 2022 now is calling for entries! This is one of the most respected global design awards. Product designers, visual communication designers, environmental designers, multimedia designers and service designers are invited to submit their work.

This is a global design award that selects and awards the best designs and projects in the design industry. Design iT Award discovers and embraces talented designers and businesses to encourage their growths. The aim of the competition is to find the most ispriring creatives.

Since 2011, the Korean Federation of Design Industry Associations has been holding the 'it Award' highlighting numerous designers, companies, directors, and agencies in Korea for the past 10 years. Starting this year, organizer will expand the scope to the whole world.

There are five categories (every category has a sub-category):

Product design
Visual communication design
Environmental design
Digital multimedia design
Service design.

Evaluation of every submission will be thoroughly conducted amongst our grand jurors with different specializations. With 5 pillars of key criteria for evaluation, most inspiring and creative projects will earn the awards.

Design iT Award winners will be invited to the award ceremony night hosted by KODIA. The event will host the industries’ most influential and qualified professionals and will be held December 6, 2022(Tue.).

Submission requirements:

➜ Create a PDF file containing visual presentations of imagery, sketches, ideations or layouts along with some descriptive texts.

Images: 5-7 key images of the project (You can adjust the number of images within a range that does not exceed the file size of maximum 10MB.)

Description: Brief summary of the project (maximum 250 words)

➜ When submitting a video, please submit a link/QR code to the project’s content, such as a webpage, App store, Google Play Store, Youtube, Vimeo, or else that can be accessed from all over the world.

The URL/QR and its content must be active during the whole judge period. Please include a password for the access, which needs to be entered in the registration.

Evaluation Criteria:

Degree of Innovation: Concept & Technique
Sustainability: Social, Environmental & User Benefit
Aesthetics: Form & Execution
Self-explanatory Quality

Who may enter?

Starting this year, organizer will expand the scope to the whole world.


The 3 winning submissions of each sub-category and one winning submission of each category will be selected (Gold, Silver, Bronze and Grand Prize). Special Prize winners will be selected (Ministry Award, KIDP Presidential Award, KODIA Presidential Award) as well. Winner of any categories can also receive Special Prize.

Trophy and Certificate will be awarded to the best submissions of each sub-categories.

Entry fees:

50% entry fee until 14 Oct
100% entry fee from 15 to 24 Oct

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