Bauhaus Campus 2021

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Bauhaus Campus 2021

Bauhaus Campus 2021 now is over!

Bauhaus Campus 2021: The Bauhaus Campus 2021, International Architecture Competition for Students recently organized by WikiArquitectura, now is calling for entries accepting submission from any student actively enrolled in an undergrad program.

Short description

The Bauhaus Campus 2021, International Architecture Competition for Students, organized by WikiArquitectura, now is calling for entries!

It was 1919 in post-war Weimar, Germany. Walter Gropius had just founded the Bauhaus. One of the most radical evolutions architecture has ever experienced was about to begin. [...]

It’s been over a century since Gropius came back from the war, and even though most of the principles of the Bauhaus still stand, the world in which we live in has changed rapidly. The internet has forever changed the way we communicate and share information. The concept of family is shifting, with birth rates slowing drastically in the first world. Individuals are willing to relocate to different parts of the world in the blink of an eye. New construction materials and techniques have allowed us to settle in places with extreme weather conditions. And after a series of truly unpredictable political and natural events during the past few years, we have come to accept that we don’t know what the future holds for us anymore. [...]

... radical changes are happening in life and society, and that architecture should play a major role in them. Maybe it’s time to take a step back and challenge what we know, what we think is “right” and explore new solutions that embrace society’s new reality, new habits, new visions, hopes and dreams, and empower us to pursue them and live them fully.
The challenge you are about to embark is the design of the new 2021 Bauhaus Campus. An educational space where the status quo of architecture can be challenged and were new ideas and solutions can be explored.

The 2021 Bauhaus Campus is not meant to be a traditional university, but a creative and explorative space instead. The campus will not offer the traditional undergraduate, graduate or masters programs, there will be no exams, no grades… Instead, students and professionals from around the globe who have shown an interested in proposing design and architecture solutions to today’s problems, will be invited to come together on campus for different periods of time to share their ideas and visions.

Submission requirements:

The presentation technique is free. Renders, collages, models, watercolors, sketches… you are free to use the techniques you feel more comfortable with, as long as it can be photographed or scanned and be submitted in a digital format.

Evaluation Criteria:

The jury will evaluate every single project based on how well it solved the brief's needs, the quailty of the architectural solucion and the presentation of the project.

The results will be announced on May 15th 2021.

Who may enter?

Registration is open to any student actively enrolled in an undergrad program. Master students can also be eligible as long as they started their masters no longer than 18 months after finishing their undergrad program.


On top of that, awarded projects will get prizes from the following pool:

3000€ in cash.
➜ Magazine subscriptions of your choice.
➜ Pack of Phaidon architecture books.
➜ GoPillar courses of your choice.
➜ Publication on digital medi.

Participating students will have the option to get:

➜ Access to several exclusive online lectures about the history of the Bauhaus and how to create a winning competition presentation panel. ➜ Personalized feedback from the jury. ➜ Printed participation certificate.

Entry fees:

To guarantee that all students have the same opportunities to participate, entry fees will be adjusted per country. Prices are per-team, which can be made up by up to 8 students, and there are also several discount options available.

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