8th Prisma International Art Prize 2021
8th Prisma International Art Prize 2021 now is over!
8th Prisma International Art Prize 2021: The cultural association Il Varco is pleasant to announce the 8th edition of its Prisma International Art Prize, an online open call for artist that takes place every three month, open to every artist worldwide.
➜ Short description
Il Varco s.r.l.s organizes the 8th edition of PRISMA Art Prize, an art prize that takes place every three months online with cash award and that will end with an annual group exhibition at the end of the fourth edition of the same year at Atelier Montez in Rome, with some of the artists that took place in the quarterly editions, chosen by the art direction. This will be the last edition of the second year.
Organiser is looking for paintings, drawings, graphic art and engravings of any size and on any support.
The exhibition of finalist works will take place in Rome at Atelier Montez on a date to be established.
The winner will be announced by May 31 th 2021.
➜ Who may enter?
The call for entries is open to every artist without limitations of age, place and country of origin.
➜ Prize:
The €500 prize, the “Viviva Colors prize” and the three “Biafarin Prizes” will be awarded to one of the finalist artists of the edition.
➜ Entry fees:
The submission has a fee of €25 and it allows the submission of up to 3 works. However is possible to submit 5 more artworks paying an addiction of 5€ for each further work.
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