25th Luis Valtueña Humanitarian Photography Award

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25th Luis Valtueña Humanitarian Photography Award

25th Luis Valtueña Humanitarian Photography Award now is over!

25th Luis Valtueña Humanitarian Photography Award: Médicos del Mundo Spain announces the 25th Luis Valtueña International Humanitarian Photography Award, aimed at recognizing and disseminating the best images that singularly demonstrate social inequities, injustices, and/or human rights abuses, or the situations that either foster or fight them.

Short description

The Luis Valtueña International Humanitarian Photography Award, organized by Médicos del Mundo recognizes the work of professional photographers who, through their images, denounce the situation of millions of people in the World.

Submitted images must narrate a story related to one of these topics: health, natural disasters, humanitarian action, international cooperation, social exclusion, violation of human rights, armed conflicts, vulnerable groups, refugee and/or migrant populations.

Special attention will be paid to those stories of interest that are not covered or disseminated enough or are little known, to contribute to their dissemination and reflection.

The Jury, composed by professional photographers and a representation of Médicos del Mundo, will look for those projects that, beyond their thematic relevance or their nature of complaint, stand out for their technical quality, impact, creativity and originality both in treatment and approach.

The awards ceremony and exhibition will be held in March 2022.

Submission requirements:

➜ Each entrant must submit a series of between 5 (minimum) and 10 (maximum) photographs. The photographs may be in black and white or color. At least 50% of the total of the series must have been made between 2020 and 2021 and not have been presented in previous editions of the Prize.

➜ Images must be saved in JPEG digital format, with a minimum of 3000 pixels on its longest edge and using the sRGB color model. The size of each file should not be less than 1MB or more than 3MB. Full EXIF ​​/ metadata should be left on all images.

➜ No manipulation of digital images or any kind of photoshop effects is allowed. Only basic color corrections are allowed, that is, they do not result in significant changes to the point of distorting the content or removing elements of the original image.

➜ All entries should be no larger than 3 MB in file size.

Who may enter?

The competition is open to 18 years or older amateur and professional photographers of any nationality who are familiar with the documentary and/or photojournalistic approach.


The winner of the prize will receive a gross amount of 6,000 Euro, plus a professional camera model Leica Q2 worth a total of 5,120 Euro and a set of 10 photobooks published by La Fábrica.

In addition, winning and shortlisted series will be included in the catalogue and in the collective and itinerant exhibition that Médicos del Mundo Spain shall produce or host.

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