2022 World Biennial Of Student Poster

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2022 World Biennial Of Student Poster

2022 World Biennial Of Student Poster now is over!

2022 World Biennial Of Student Poster: “Zero tolerance for violence against women” a new themed competition that is a part of the World Biennial of Student Poster, organized by the University of Novi Sad and the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad, it's open to all young designers and students of art colleges under the age of 30.

Short description

“Zero tolerance for violence against women” is a new themed competition that is a part of the World Biennial of Student Poster, organized by the University of Novi Sad and the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad. It is open to all young designers and students of art colleges under the age of 30.

Each participant may submit a maximum of 3 posters on the theme “Zero tolerance for violence against women”.

All received posters will become a part of a special Biennial’s collection at the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad and can be used in didactic purposes. They will be presented at the Biennial’s web site.

The winners will be announced at the opening ceremony of the exhibition “Zero tolerance for violence against women” in Novi Sad.

A colour catalogue of the contest “Zero tolerance for violence against women” will be published in digital form. It will include works of all participants selected for exhibition by the Selection Jury. Catalogue will be presented on Biennial website and ready for free download.

Submission requirements:

➜ You need to convert your Poster files to meet these condition: JPG - quality 10, CMYK - 8 Bits/channel, 3900 pixels on the longer side or PDF - CMYK, 70 x 100 cm, 100 pixels/inch. In both cases, the file size must not exceed 12 MB.

Who may enter?

Open to young designers and students of art colleges under the age of 30.


The 1st prize winner gets the right to organize a solo exhibition at the next Biennial with ten (10) posters an optional choice. The prizes and awards consist of: monetary prizes, plaques and certificates.

➜ 1st prize - €800
➜ 2nd prize - €400
➜ 3rd prize - €200

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