Smartphone Photography Competition 2024
Smartphone Photography Competition 2024 is now open for entries!
Smartphone Photography Competition 2024 : Smartphone Photography Competition 2024, organized by EASYART艺直购, a Chinese platform for modern art sales, has been recently opened fr entries inviting all photographers worldwide to participate.
➜ Short description
Smartphone Photography Competition 2024, organised by EASYART艺直购 , a Chinese platform for modern art sales, has been recently opened fr entries inviting all photographers worldwide to participate.
Photos entered into the competition must be taken with a smartphone.
The Smartphone Photography Competition has the following categories:
➜ People - Photographic works that mainly express the lifestyle and living conditions of the characters, including portrait works.
➜ Creativity - Observation of the real world in creative perspectives, or a new work obtained by reprocessing of existing photographic materials. All materials must be taken by the participant him/herself.
➜ Nature - Photographic works ranging from various phenomena in nature (such as meteorology, walruses, and earth phenomena, etc.), to the ecology of animals and plants, or even celestial bodies.
➜ Documentary - Photographic works that mainly seek to record the reality of life, reflect the relationship between people and people, and the relationship between people and nature, record people's activities, and describe the systems and customs in human social life.
➜ Travel - Our journey can be either near or far, you can share the unique perspectives and wonderful moments during your travels, as well as all the stories that happened on the way.
➜ Black and white - Black and white images of any topics are welcome, they can be both originally shot in black and white mode or made by post - processing.
The First, Second and Third Place, and ten Honorable Mentions will be selected for each category.
Projects of the winners of the contest will be presented in exhibition in 2025.
➜ Submission requirements:
➜ The entries must be original works independently completed by the submitter, and the title, picture description and other required information must be indicated.
➜ The shooting and post-production of the entry must be done on mobile phones. The brand and model of the mobile phone are not limited. The original information of the photo must be kept, otherwise the organizer will regard it as an invalid work.
➜ The entries are required to be uploaded in JPG format. There is no limit to the color tone, both colored and black & white images can be submitted. The minimum length of the work is 1200 pixels. Except for the creative category, the pixel content of images competing for other categories are not allowed to be modified.
➜ This competition does not accept restoration of photos.
➜ Who may enter?
The competition is open to all photographers worldwide.
➜ Prize:
The Photographer of the Year awards:
➜ 1st prize: 5,000 RMB
➜ 2nd prize: 3,000 RMB
➜ 3rd prize: 1,000 RMB
Category awards (1st, 2nd, 3rd, Honorable Mentions): 500 RMB
Official website
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