Interior design competitions

Latest Call for Entries

2024 London Design Awards: Season 2

2024 London Design Awards: Season 2 | interior design competitions

The 2024 London Design Awards, an international competition that recognises designs that are truly exceptional in the visualisation of creative influence has been recently opened for entries in its 2 ...

2024 TITAN Health Awards: Season 2

2024 TITAN Health Awards: Season 2 | interior design competitions

The TITAN Health Awards recently opened for entries in its 2 season recognizes comprehensive contributions of advertisers, marketers, designers, service providers, manufacturers, and all professionals ...

MET Retail Identity

MET Retail Identity | interior design competitions

New interior design contest has been recently organised by Lima Commerce and Desall inviting only interior designers experienced in retail to design the new retail identity for MET, a fashionable clot ...

2024 NY Architectural Design Awards: Season 2

2024 NY Architectural Design Awards: Season 2 | interior design competitions

The NY Architectural Design Awards 2024, recently organised by International Awards Associate Inc (IAA) in its 2 sason is an international competition that recognizes the world’s greatest architectu ...

2024 NY Product Design Awards: Season 2

2024 NY Product Design Awards: Season 2 | interior design competitions

The 2024 NY Product Design Awards recently opened for entries in its 2 season is an international competition organised by International Awards Associate Inc (IAA) that honors the efforts of talented ...

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