The International Design Competition for Korean War Memorial Park for Civil Victims

The International Design Competition for Korean War Memorial Park for Civil Victims now is over!
The International Design Competition for Korean War Memorial Park for Civil Victims: The International Design Competition for Korean War Memorial Park for Civil Victims is an design challenge recently opened to honour the civil victims during the Korean War and the bereaved families for entries that invites to participate all international professionals in the field of architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning, and other relevant areas.
➜ Short description
The local government of Dong-gu district in Daejeon with support of the Ministry of the Interior and Safety of Republic of Korea, recently has launched an international design competition for a National Memorial to honour the civil victims during the Korean War and the bereaved families.
As you begin to envision your design for Memorial Park, please allow a moment to reflect upon the nature of its location in the historical background to the war. The Memorial’s site, surrounded by calm landscape, is located in the gentle valley where thousands of political prisoners were persecuted after the outbreak of Korean War.
The design challenge is to create an outstanding and sensitively-designed Park and a Memorial Hall that is spiritual while offering visitors an opportunity to deepen their understanding of Korea’s darkest hour. This competition seeks to identify the very best design talent to create Memorial Park as a national symbol and a home to the local community.
The objective of the design is to create a ‘memorial park’ that will become a national symbol of reconciliation to commemorate the civil victims of the Korean War and to offer some comfort to their bereaved families. The project is composed of two major elements; the memorial hall that is place to help people understand the history of conflicts, and the open park where a wide range of activities and purposes, such as education, exhibition, communication, commemoration, and rest, can be opened up to citizens based on understanding of the unique context that includes the tragic incident occurred in the site.
Submission requirements:
➜ Drawing Panels - All 4 presentation panels should be submitted in A1 landscape format digital files. Additionally, four presentation panels to be integrated into 1 x A2 landscape format digital file. The image file of the design panels should be submitted in 300 dpi or higher, jpg format, and 50MB or less for each file. The bird’s eye view should be submitted in 300 dpi or higher, jpg format, less than 25MB for each file’.
➜ Design Description - The design description should be prepared on no more than 20 sheets of A4 landscape format. However, the cover sheet and table of contents are not to be counted. The design description should be submitted in high quality print, pdf format, less than 50MB.
The Winner will be announced on December 18. 2020
Exhibition will be hed on December 22, 2020 (location will be notified later).
There is no entry fee to participate!
➜ Who may enter?
This competition is open to domestic and international professionals in the field of architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning, and other relevant areas. In the case of a joint submission, a team can have up to a maximum of five (5) participating members.
➜ Prize:
1st Prize: Contract of architecture design development, construction document, and landscape design development only (total design cost of 632 million KRW, VAT included) 2nd Prize: 15 million KRW 3rd Prize: 10 million KRW 4th Prize: 5 million KRW Honorable mention (4 entries)
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