Spark Design Awards 2020

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Spark Design Awards 2020

Spark Design Awards 2020 now is over!

Spark Design Awards 2020: Spark Design Awards 2020, recently opened for entries is the world’s most modern design competition that encouraging fresh thinking and innovation across all design disciplines and levels of expertise.

Short description

Spark Design Awards 2020, world’s most modern design competition, now is opened for entries!

This competition encouraging fresh thinking and innovation across all design disciplines and levels of expertise.

The categories are:

Student Design

Key Questions to Address

Inventiveness and Innovation Does the design “stretch the envelope” and enhance the human experience in a tangible way?

Sustainability Everything of question and of importance in 21st–century design: footprint, toxicity of manufacturing or materials, landfill afterlife, effect on atmospheric warming, recycled raw materials, energy consumption, educational value, human rights and so forth. How sustainable is the design, from manufacturing through packaging to use and final disposal?

Elegance and Beauty Whether classic or modern, symmetrical or no, ah or aha! Does the design send you?

Suitability to Purpose How well does the design perform its function—and work? Is it efficient, economical, essential?

Integration Does the design fit the system? Does it mesh well and extend, achieving more than the concept alone?

Durability Is the design’s life span appropriate to its usage and good sustainable practice?

Discovery and Implementation What was the design strategy? How was progress measured? Was the process itself innovative? Was the process multidisciplinary? Did the design sell or fulfill its goals?

Safety and Ergonomics Is it safe and user friendly? How well does the design suit a wide (and appropriate) range of users?

Expressiveness Does the design fit the use (and user) naturally and easily, with a low learning curve? Does it communicate clearly and efficiently?

Personal Connection Does the design help create feeling? Joy, delight, pleasure, inspiration or reverence?

Aspiration Does the design contribute in significant ways to overarching societal goals? Is it truly design that makes a difference?

Submission guidelines:

➜ You may enter as many pieces as you would like, but only one design or series per submission. You may enter any design(s) from year 2000 to date. You may enter multiple times, if you feel it fits in more than one area. You may enter work that was submitted in past years.

➜ Entrants will initially upload at least 3 images(1 MB maximum size each) of their work for Phase 1. As many as 10 images may be uploaded. They may be photos of the work, slides or graphics from a Powerpoint, charts, graphs, certifications, etc., whatever helps tell your story. It is advantageous to include an image with the design in context to its users–for example, a person in the structure, or holding the product. The images should be 8 inches (200mm) in height or more at a resolution of 150 dpi. Please make one image in 300 dpi resolution. The images may be portrait or landscape and saved as JPG file. All files should be RGB. At least one of the images must be completely free of any text, call-out lines, boxes or blurbs, and ideally, float on a white background.

➜ Entrants will also supply a 75-word, short description (synopsis), a longer 250-word description and answer a series of questions about the design. All entry descriptions must be in English.

➜ It is required to submit a short video to help tell the story of your design. Please put your video on Youtube and include the url for this page.

Entry fees:

Entry fee vary depends of the category choose and of the period you decide to submit your work.

Who may enter?

This competition is open to everyone worldwide.

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