Science Without Borders Challenge 2021

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Science Without Borders Challenge 2021

Science Without Borders Challenge 2021 now is over!

Science Without Borders Challenge 2021: Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation has announced its Science Without Borders Challenge 2021, to once again inspire student creativity while learning about important ocean conservation issues.

Short description

The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation is proud to announce the 9th edition of its annual Science Without Borders Challenge 2021.

This competition engages students to promote the need to preserve, protect, and restore the world’s oceans and aquatic resources and also inspires them to be creative while learning about important ocean conservation issues. It was created to get students and teachers interested in ocean conservation through various forms of art.

The theme for 2021 competition is: “The Magic of Mangroves” .
Mangroves are extremely important ecosystems providing many benefits. For this year’s theme, create a piece of art that illustrates how mangroves are important.

There are approximately 80 species of mangroves around the world.
Mangroves are trees and shrubs that live along coastlines in subtropical and tropical areas. They thrive in muddy, salty environments, where there is very little oxygen in the sediments and the ocean tide can submerge their roots for all or part of the day. Living in these harsh conditions is not easy. The average plant wouldn’t stand a chance of surviving here. That’s what makes mangroves exceptional. They have unique, special adaptations that allows them to cope with living in this extreme environment. An effective filtration system aids in getting rid of excess salt, while roots that grow above the ground allow them to exchange gases. Not to mention, their complex root system helps to anchor them in place as the ocean tide rises and falls each day.
Submission requirements:

➜ All artwork must be an original work by the contestant and shall not infringe on any copyrights or any other rights of any third parties. For instance, drawing a character from a cartoon or movie is not considered an original work.

➜ The artwork must be 2D such as a painting or drawing. Acceptable media include: paint, pencil, marker, crayon, ink, felt, and oil pastel.

➜ Digitally created artwork, including photographs, are not accepted.

➜ There is no minimum or maximum size requirements for the artwork.

➜ You must send your original artwork. Digital copies of artwork are NOT permitted.

➜ All submissions must be made by an individual artist. Group submissions are not permitted.

➜ Participants may submit only 1 art piece.

A panel of artists, educators, and scientists will be formed to judge the Science Without Borders Challenge. Work will be judged in two categories, with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes awarded for each 11 – 14 year olds and 15 – 19 year olds. Submitted entries will be evaluated on the quality of the artwork, originality, and adherence to the theme.

Winners will be publicly announced.

Who may enter?

The Science Without Borders Challenge is an international art contest open to primary and secondary school students 11-19 years old.


Prizes awarded to contestant winners are as follows:

➜ 1st Place: $500 scholarship
➜ 2nd Place: $350 scholarship
➜ 3rd Place: $200 scholarship

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