PHOTODEMIC - Architecture Photography Competition

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PHOTODEMIC - Architecture Photography Competition

PHOTODEMIC - Architecture Photography Competition now is over!

PHOTODEMIC - Architecture Photography Competition: The Archue – A complete Architecture Platform presents PHOTODEMIC - Architecture Photography Competition capturing the journey of spaces through Pandemic.

Short description

The Archue – A complete Architecture Platform presents PHOTODEMIC - Architecture Photography Competition, capturing the journey of spaces through Pandemic.

After the Covid-19 pandemic situation arises, lots of things got changed, public places become deserted, street furniture is empty, lots of buildings are changed to a quarantine center.

We at Archue truly believe in the power of a lens to communicate and represent more than what you see on the surface and are excited to judge an array of innovative photos capture through the lens by architecture enthusiasts.

Submission guidelines:

➜ You have to submit 1 photograph that powerfully communicates a journey of a space or the experience of those who inhabit it impacted due to Covid-19. It can be located anywhere in the world and portray any style of architecture, historic to contemporary.

➜ Participants have to submit a single Photograph in jpeg format with a basic description.

➜ The submission has to be mailed at

Evaluation Criteria:

Submitted entries will be evaluated based on the new approach.

The winner will be announced on 15 January 2021.

Who may enter?

Anyone worldwide can participate in this competition.


The 1st prize winner will recive up to $650.

Entry fees:

Entry fee starts from $20 during the Early Registration period (18th September - 4th October). After that period ends the amount of entry fee will increase.

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