Extreme Habitat 2022 Architecture Competition
Extreme Habitat 2022 Architecture Competition now is over!
Extreme Habitat 2022 Architecture Competition: Volume Zero recently has announced its “Extreme Habitat 2022 Architecture Competition”, inviting you to to design a comfortable living accomodation that is a unique way of experiencing the surrounding.
➜ Short description
Volume Zero recently has announced its “Extreme Habitat 2022 Architecture Competition”, inviting you to to design a comfortable living accomodation that is a unique way of experiencing the surrounding.
Home is a domain that is intimate to all. For generations the core concept of a home has stayed the same however has been gradually moving far away from just being a humble shelter. A personalized space that not only protects us from the elements of nature but also from manmade threats. A space that evokes emotions of feeling protected, comforted, warmth, pleasure, nurtured, loved, and many more amongst its.
Being central to one’s everyday functions, needs and future desires of an individual this archetype has many iterations across the globe owing to factors like geography, climatic conditions, user group, profession, availability of material and labor. Home typologies range from simpler forms such as cabins, igloos and tents to 21st century experimental habitats such as smart homes, floating homes, inflatable homes and the list just keeps going on.
Architecture developed amidst nature represents a certain kind of poetic exploration coupled with a renewed perspective on a human scale. In this way the association between man to nature and of architecture to landscape tends to evolve from time to time. Currently the architecture we experience in our surrounding landscape is a product of the relationship developed between humans and nature. More than ever there is an awareness created towards landscape being a precious inheritance, one that can be preserved and enhanced by architecture so as to pass it on to future generations.
Volume Zero invites you to imagine a way of living in the lap of nature. Participants are to design a comfortable living accomodation that is a unique way of experiencing the surrounding.
The design proposed should be innovative, sustainable and an off-the-grid solution with minimal impact on the environment. Organizer encourages participants to explore smart technologies that’ll synchronise with the environment and promote a greener design approach.
The relation between the exterior surroundings and interior spaces must be taken into consideration. The proposed design should be well-conceptualized. The house should respond to the ever-changing needs of its users and the site context it sits in.
The House should be a self-sufficient dwelling habitat for 4 individuals and the area of the proposal should not exceed 450 sq.ft built up. Proposals may consider spatial flexibility as a vital aspect of all the designs fulfilling all the needs of their users.
Client Interaction is one of the critical components of the design proposal. For this competition, entrants may assume a group of individuals, a family, or a genre of people, based on the design concept.
The proposed design may also consider modern technological advancements in architecture to make the house adaptive to its surroundings, making it a comfortable home by eliminating any type of hazards. Participants can decide the nature of the house as per the context it sits in. Designed proposals can be stationary, portable, mobile, floating, submerged underwater, atop a tree, or respond to the elements of nature possessed by the site context they choose.
➜ Submission requirements:
➜ A single A1 sheet (841mm x 594mm) must be submitted in JPEG format (150 DP Resolution), file size not exceeding 5 MB.
➜ ll text must be in English, with a max. of 200 words for project explaination with a readable font size (to be provided on the A1 sheet).
➜ Evaluation Criteria:
➜ Concept Innovation: Participants are to design an innovative dwelling that adapts to the selected genre of the client. The space should be conceptualized as a reflection of the client’s lifestyle/profession.
➜ Site Selection: Participants are to select a site within a natural set-up that is best suited for the house. The design proposed should be responsive to its surrounding context. Entries will be evaluated based on the site justification with respect to the design proposal.
➜ Spatial Design: Spatial planning is a fundamental component of any design. Spaces can also be designed to be multi-functional as per the physical, emotinal and cultural needs of the client. Entries will be judged based on the creativity displayed in terms of the spatial circulation and configuration of spaces.
➜ Climate Responsiveness: The structure designed should be sustainable and must create a lesser impact on the natural environment. The design proposed should be able to respond to the weather conditio.
➜ Who may enter?
Extreme Habitat 2022 Architecture Competition is open to all and students and professionals from all walks can join the competition.
➜ Prize:
The 1st prize winner will recive $2000 in a cash prize, 2nd prize winner will recieve $1200, 3rd prize winner will recive $800 and students award reserved for the best student work for the competition apart from the first 3 winners is $500 . The winners will recieve the Certificate of achievement. There will be also 10 Honourable Mentions as well.
Winners and Honourable Mentions will be published on Volume Zero Competitions website and several international architecture and design magazines.
➜ Entry fees:
During the Early Bird Registration ( 18th April 2022 to 24th June 2022) for participants from India entry fee is INR 1800+18% GST = INR 2124 (per team) and for participants from Other Countries is 70 + 18% GST = USD 82.6 (per team).
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