ABC Living Space 2020

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ABC Living Space 2020

ABC Living Space 2020 now is over!

ABC Living Space 2020: ABC Living Space 2020 is an international competition of architecture and interior design ideas in the time of the Covid-19, organised by ABC MONZA 2019 to rethinking our Living Spaces to make them resilient towards the Coronavirus and other possible viral invaders.

Short description

ABC Living Space 2020 is an international competition of architecture and interior design ideas in the time of the Covid-19.

Proposed by ABC - The Architecture BIM Competition, organiser of ABC MONZA 2019, the Competition’s subject is the rethinking of our Living Spaces to make them resilient towards the Coronavirus and other possible viral invaders. The object of the proposals is the architectural and interior design of a residential living space or a hotel living space. Through targeted technical and organizational choices, this space must guarantee the functions necessary to face a pandemic both in safety, in comfort and style.

Coronavirus had a significant impact on the social and coexistence habits of us all, forcing people to change their relationship with the environments in which they spend their daily lives.

Our residential Living Spaces, the places of work, study, leisure and those dedicated to physical activities, usually distinct and distant, have given way to hybrid living environments. These new iterations of our homes, with the passing of the Lockdown days have seen the flourishing of niches and corners dedicated to functions otherwise performed outside the home and often in community.

Smart working and Distance learning are two widely shared examples of functions that have suddenly populated our homes. In the same way, the need of spaces for physical activity has a strong influence on mental well-being has also become urgent during the Lockdown.
With this in mind organiser has created ABC Living Space 2020 as an initiative that can allow professionals and students interested in the topic to compare their ideas with those of their peers through the evaluation of a Jury of recognized international professionals.

The reference site is open. The Living Space can be located in a large metropolis or a small village, in an alpine context or in an equatorial forest or on an island. East, west, north, south, cold, hot, dry, wet: no strings attached.

Submission requirements:

➜ Competitors are asked to submit a proposal for a (furnished) residential living space or hotel living space with a wide freedom on the kind of solution chosen: - The residential living space can be an apartment in an apartment building, a single or multi-family house, a villa, a tree house, on stilts, on water, a prefabricated house, a cabin or a cottage, etc. Minimum sized 38sqm, maximum sized 150sqm.

- The hotel living space can be a hotel or residence room, a bungalow, etc. Minimum sized 17sqm, maximum sized 65sqm.
➜ You need to submit a 3D model IFC. (IFC is an open and software independent file format ). Most of the software can export directly or through plug-ins in IFC.

Evaluation Criteria:

The Jury will reward those creative proposals that offer functional, welcoming and pleasant housing solutions and that allow to carry out remote working, distance learning, physical activities, sanitization of people, animals and objects, sanitary isolation, etc. (even by reconfiguration). The most interesting furnishing and design objects specifically designed for the Competition are also rewarded.

The winners will be announced during the month of December 2020.

Who may enter?

This is an international competition of architecture and design ideas open to students and professionals who can participate individually or in groups.

Entry fees:

Early bird fee (15 September - 15 October 2020) - €50
Regular fee(16 October to 15 November 2020) - €80

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