2022 MUSE Design Awards (Season 2)
2022 MUSE Design Awards (Season 2) now is over!
2022 MUSE Design Awards (Season 2): International Awards Associate Inc (IAA) recently has organized the second season of The MUSE Design Awards 2022, its international competition for designers whose craftsmanship shift paradigms inviting everyone worldwide to participate.
➜ Short description
The MUSE Design Awards is an international competition for designers whose craftsmanship shift paradigms, now is calling for entries. Their ingenuity and thorough works leave others in awe, and in so doing redefine boundaries and scope – much like a muse.
The MUSE Design Awards is a part of the MUSE Awards Program, which was created by the International Awards Associate (IAA) in 2015. IAA’s inception was based on a mission to honor, promote and encourage creativity by providing a new standard of excellence for evaluating media design production and distribution.
The MUSE Awards honors those who are dauntless in adversity; who take on challenges with an unwavering will. You set the standards for the world and inspire others to reach higher.
The 2022 MUSE Design Awards theme is 'Stride Forth'.
Entries must have been produced after January 1, 2017 (a five-year window).
Judges are senior-level, experienced in their field/industry, including creative designers and art directors from international agencies, architects, fashion designers, interior designers, product designers, educators, marketers or business owners.
➜ Submission requirements:
Entry Brief:
➜ It is recommended that you keep your synopsis to approximately 350 words. Organiser suggest you utilize this section of your entry to elaborate on the piece as well as the creativity and originality of your idea. The brief should strengthen your entry, as well as providing the jury a better understanding of your project. A written translation or adaptation must accompany non-English entries.
Image Submission:
➜ The submissions should be saved in a flattened JPEG or JPG format. (keep them under 4MB, 1,200px wide is preferable, 300dpi, RGB).
Audio/Video File:
➜ Entries with audio/video can be uploaded to Vimeo/YouTube/Youku and must be submitted with a direct URL that will take judges directly to the work. If it is password-protected, you must provide a username and password for judging purposes. Web Videos entered are judged solely on the content provided. Upload a PDF brief if explanation is required before evaluation of the work.
➜ Evaluation Criteria:
➜ Creativity / Originality / Concept / Idea
➜ Content / Brief / Objective / Planning / Execution
➜ Innovation / Technology
➜ Quality / Functionality / Sustainability
➜ Overall Impression / Wow! Factor / Memorable
The winners will be announced on 13 October 2022.
➜ Who may enter?
The MUSE Design Awards accept entries from any and all designers, whether they are hobbyists or professionals; are freelancers or are affiliated.
➜ Prize:
Each year, the MUSE Design Awards honor the best in creativity from around the globe, while you give us a glimpse into the future of the profession.
➜ The Design of the Year winners receive a complimentary limited-edition trophy and professionally designed certificate.
➜ One professionally designed certificate commemorating the winning entry, which includes entry title, entering company/winners' name and category. Decal will be affixed indicating the level of win.
➜ Top tier (Platinum and Gold) winners will be featured on MUSE Design Awards site's Gallery, where professionals can view your work.
➜ A press release template sent to major industry outlets, celebrating your win.
➜ Professionally designed logos for use on websites, in email signatures, etc.
➜ In addition to the complimentary certificates, Platinum, Gold, and Silver winners may purchase beautiful MUSE Awards statuettes, and/or additional customized certificates.
➜ Platinum and Gold winners will get featured by MUSE on social media or our media partner on Muse.World’s website.
➜ Entry fees:
Early Bird Entry (Apr 14 - May 19, 2022) is $179 for first entry of work, after that period ends the amount of fee will increse.
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