Starpack Students Competition

Starpack Students Competition now is over!
Starpack Students Competition: Starpack Students Competition, an excellent opportunity for students to showcase their great ideas and solutions directly to an industry that is looking for rising stars, has been recently opened for entries, organized by Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining.
➜ Short description
Recenty opened for entries and established in 1964, the Starpack Students competition challenges students to submit solutions to problems set by brand-leading FMCG companies, design agencies and manufacturers, and win recognition of their excellence.
The Starpack Students competition is geared towards students studying a wide range of Higher Education courses, from those with a graphics emphasis to courses concerned with structural/product design, as well as materials/technology courses, with the aim to excite the next generation into considering packaging as a career.
There are several brief from which you can choose:
BRIEF A: Personal daily care product & brand - you are invited to create or re-design a package for a daily (i.e.non-luxury) personal care product, moving away from its usual plastic/flexible/multi-material/glass packaging to an infinitely recyclable aluminium solution.
BRIEF B: Going back greener - design a sustainable packaging solution that aids a shared social interaction with a responsible use of packaging materials.
BRIEF C: Metal pack for a mobile phone and accessories - design and develop a metal pack for a mobile phone and its accessories. A fictitious brand should be used. The pack should have a reuse function.
BRIEF D: Sustainable solutions with corrugated carboard - the challenge for this brief is to identify any product which is currently packed and distributed using a single use plastic and to design an innovative packaging solution replacemet using 100% corrugated material.
BRIEF E: Fresh milk - the future - design a milk bottle (or portfolio of fresh milk bottles) for the next generation. A bottle or bottles that nicely promote the fresh milk product and that are designed to deliver against the current and future delivery method.
BRIEF H: Home dining is the new eating out! - select a meal of the day which will be cooked at home and shared with family and/or friends. The packaging should contain a meal kit with the correct amount of all ingredients and the recipe for easy home cooking. Consider how the packaging can enhance the home cooking experience and help the consumer provide a premium home dining occasion that can replicate a pub or restaurant meal. Include sustainability credentials of the packaging to educate and engage the consumer and encourage them to recycle.
BRIEF G: Packaging to help reduce consumer food waste - selecting from one of the following categories – bakery; convenience; food-to-go; protein or vegan protein alternatives; or fresh produce – can you create a total plastic packaging solution that is recyclable and contains recycled content which helps reduce food waste by the consumer?
BRIEF H: Tesco Max Strong front of store display - Provide an innovative and creative solution for the promotion and display of Walkers Max Strong 150g Sharing bags. Intended to appeal to beer lovers and aimed at social sharing occasions, Walkers Max Strong is a range of ridged crisps in bold spicy flavour.
With competition briefs set by brand-leading FMCG companies, design agencies and manufacturers, the competition also provides students with the opportunity to students to showcase their great ideas and solutions directly to an industry which is looking for rising stars.
Awards ceremony will be held in June 2022.
Results will be announced by end of May 2022.
➜ Who may enter?
The competition is open to students studying a wide range of Higher Education courses, from those with a graphics emphasis to courses concerned with structural/product design, as well as materials/technology courses.
➜ Prize:
There will be diferent cash prizes for each category.
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