Kuala Lumpur International Photo Awards 2024

Kuala Lumpur International Photo Awards 2024 now is over!
Kuala Lumpur International Photo Awards 2024: Kuala Lumpur International Photo Awards, now in its 16th year, continues to engage the global photographic community with the 2024 call for entries inviting all photographers from all over the world, including professionals, amateurs, keen hobbyists and students seeking the deeper trajectories of storytelling, alternative realities or make-believe tales that infect our minds.
➜ Short description
Now in its 16th year, the Kuala Lumpur International Photo Awards, an annual global portrait photography competition continues to engage the global photographic community with the 2024 Call for Entries, seeking fresh and innovative photography from new, emerging and established photographers from around the world.
KLPA2024 invites photographers to submit staged portrait studies, from the simple command of 'turning of the head to face the camera', conceptualised self-portraits, to elaborately constructed set designs. Is open to all photographers of all genres including experimental, conceptual, street, environmental, studio, self-portraits or inspired documentary narratives.
This year's theme is 'MAKE IT REAL'.
One can say that most directed portrait sessions are staged or constructed, to a degree - as in fashion photography, formal, environmental, and self-portraiture, as opposed to candid street or reportage photography. The re-enactment of histories and new identities allows viewers to enter into fable-esque worlds as in cinema or theatre productions and encourages dialogue and discourse because life is full of complexities that exist beyond mere art.
The theme is open to interpretation and in the main genres for eg. documentary, conceptual, fine art, photojournalistic.
All photographs must have been taken between 2023 and 2024 or part of an on-going project. Minimal digital enhancement is advised, subject to basic darkroom techniques e.g. levels, curves, dodging, burning, minimal sharpening, colour correction.
Photographs can be Black and White or Colour, in any format. Photographs must not have any digital borders, keyline, name, personal logos or watermarks. Scanned film images must be free of dust marks and borders. Alternative or vintage processes are allowed and must be appropriately stated, along with the technique and process.
Top 40 photographers will have their portraits printed and exhibited at TEMU HOUSE, an intimate gallery space on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur from in July 2024.
➜ Submission requirements:
➜ Open Category - Each photographer may enter up to 10 images per submission.
➜ Student Category - Each photographer may enter up to 5 images each.
➜ Who may enter?
Open Category is dedicate to all international photographers and Student category is open to all students under 25 years who are enrolled in full or part-time photography and art-related courses. Proof of enrolment in an educational establishment is required.
➜ Prize:
The top three winners in the open category will receive USD $2,000, USD $1,000, and USD $500, respectively. The top 40 finalists, including prize winners, will have their work exhibited in Kuala Lumpur. For the student category, the top three images will receive USD $250 each, and the top five will be exhibited alongside open category finalists.
➜ Entry fees:
The fee ranges from USD $15 for a single image to USD $75 for 6 to 10 images. Entry is free for students under the age of 25 as of 1 February 2024.
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