International Comic/Manga School Contest 2023

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International Comic/Manga School Contest 2023

International Comic/Manga School Contest 2023 now is over!

International Comic/Manga School Contest 2023: The Japanese company Celsys is pleased to announce the 6th edition of its International Comic/Manga Schools Contest 2023 dedicate to students enrolled in an art school or extracurricular art programs studying illustration, comic art, design, fine art, or other similar subjects.

Short description

Celsys officially opens the International Comic/Manga School Contest 2023 for students worldwide, accepting comics and illustrations on the theme of 'Light and Darkness'.

This worldwide contest limits eligibility to students, giving enthusiastic young artists and future professional comic artists a chance to learn new techniques and to make contact early in their careers with media organizations around the world.

The contest is an opportunity to have your work judged and critiqued by professional creators and boost your skills. This contest also aims to support young creators around the world and encourage more artists to create comics and manga.

This year's theme is "Light and Darkness".

Entries will be accepted for the following six categories: Comic / Manga / Bande Dessinée / Webtoon / Storyboard / Illustration.

Submissions may be created using any drawing tools or software. If you create your submission using traditional tools, you should submit a digital scan of the artwork.

Entries are accepted in any language, inviting a wide variety of entries from many countries and regions. The winning entries will also be translated into English, French, Spanish, German, Japanese, Traditional Chinese, and Korean for readers all over the world to enjoy.

Submission requirements:

➜ Artists can submit artwork made digitally or traditionally. Submissions may be created using any drawing tools or software. If you create your submission using traditional tools, please submit a digital scan of the artwork – paper submissions will not be accepted!

Results will be announced in Early July 2023.

Who may enter?

This is a manga, comic, and illustration contest open to students worldwide.


The overall winner will receive a cash prize of US$3,300 and the new Wacom Cintiq Pro 16. There will be lot of other awards as well.

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