Illustrated Silent Book Contest 2024

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Illustrated Silent Book Contest 2024

Illustrated Silent Book Contest 2024 now is over!

Illustrated Silent Book Contest 2024: International Illustrated Silent Book Contest 2024 expressly dedicated to illustrated books without words has been recently announced for entries inviting all illustrators with new book project of any nationality to participate.

Short description

International Illustrated Silent Book Contest 2024 expressly dedicated to illustrated books without words has been recently announced for entries inviting all illustrators with new book project of any nationality to participate.

The Silent Book Contest will give a prize money and publication to an original illustrated and unpublished book project that has been created and produced exclusively through narration by illustrated images.

Given that the illustrated book and the visual language of illustrations and pictures are in no way secondary to written language, with a universal power and potential that supersedes any barrier of language or genre, the Silent Book Contest invites authors and illustrators to think up and design a book conceived exclusively for the telling of a story through illustrated images, on any subject and intended for a wide and diverse section of the reading public, regardless of genre or age.

The book project must not contain words. The narration must be realised through the illustrations. The subject is open and not restricted to any age group and readers.

For each book project sent to the competition, a complete layout should be created. The layout must be a single digital file, exclusively in high-quality PDF format.

It is possible to participate with one to a maximum of three unpublished projects for each Author.

An International Jury, nominated by the organization will select from eight to fourteen finalists book projects by March 2024. They will be presented and exhibited at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair 2024 (April 2024). Then, among the finalists, the Jury will choose the winning project.

The winner announcement and the award ceremony will be held at the Salone Internazionale del Libro of Turin (Italy) in 2024.

Who may enter?

Authors, illustrators and artists of any nationality, place of origin or residence may participate, with original and unpublished projects, provided they are not less than 18 years old on 5th February 2024.


The winning book project of the Silent Book Contest 2024 will be published by June 2024 by Carthusia Edizioni of Milan (Italy). The publisher will add it and promote it as part of its editorial catalogue. The author will sign a regular publishing contract and, as established in the rules of the contest and in the contract, will receive a cash prize of € 3.000, as advance on the royalties.

Entry fees:

Entry fee is 50 EUR for each book project.

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