Hi-Interiors launches HiBed Smart Packaging Contest

Hi-Interiors launches HiBed Smart Packaging Contest now is over!
Hi-Interiors launches HiBed Smart Packaging Contest: New packaging design contest has been recently organised by Hi-Interiors and released on the site Desall.com inviting you to design a new smart and sustainable packaging for HiBed, the second smart bed generation that the company is getting ready to launch on the market.
➜ Short description
Italian scale up Hi-Interiors, known in the global market for the launch of the technology revolution in the furniture industry, now is accpeting submissions for its HiBed Smart Packaging.
The goal of the contest is the development of a new concept of smart packaging to guarantee an efficient and safe worldwide shipment of the smart bed HiBed.
Hi-Interiors is looking for a new packaging solution, which is designed to optimize the utilisation of packaging materials and for this reason they suggest the use of alternative materials to the traditional ones (wholly or partially).
Since it should be a high-quality products made in Italy and purchased worldwide, you should take into account the best protection to the components of the HiBed product, during the logistic phase in order to avoid any damage caused by shipment.
HiBed is composed of a series of parts, assembled in 15 dedicated packages, which are shipped individually. In addition, each package should be designed individually or combined in order to get a secondary function (side-product), so that it can be reused after removing internal parts.
Hibed packaging should be durable by using sustainable, innovative and performing materials and also have a competitive price.
It will be appreciated the selection of recycled materials of production waste in circular economy supply chains. The materials should be lightweight, resistant and aesthetically pleasing to the touch and to the sight.
For the correct participation in the contest, it is mandatory to present at least one packaging solution for one of the main parts of the bed; for the evaluation it will be taken into account the full design of all the elements of the packaging, especially the ones that will be concretely converted into a side-product.
For additional information about the HiBed please visit the official website.
➜ Evaluation Criteria:
➜ Degree of innovation (5/5): the project is able to efficiently reinterpret the packaging for HiBed using different kind of materials and/or it is able to assign a secondary innovative function to the packaging for its reuse;
➜ Eco-friendliness (5/5): the project’s design is able to answer to low environmental impact requirements;
➜ Technical feasibility (5/5): the project can be easily produced, considering the technical restrictions explained in the brief;
➜ Economic sustainability (4/5): the project is able to satisfy the brand’s needs in term of production costs;
➜ Brand compliance (3/5): the project is in compliance with the brand’s vision about style, product typology and binding values;
➜ Project submission (3/5): the project is complete, exposed in a clear way and satisfy all the requested points from the brief.
The winner will be announced approximately before the end of June 2021.
➜ Who may enter?
Participation is open to designers and creative talents of any nationality aged 18 years or older.
➜ Prize:
The winner will receive € 3.000.
For the duration of the option right, the Sponsor offers an extra chance to all participants setting a fee of € 2000 for the purchase of the license for the economical exploitation of the projects not-acknowledged as the winning proposals.
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