AIGA 50 Books | 50 Covers of 2023 Competition

AIGA 50 Books | 50 Covers of 2023 Competition now is over!
AIGA 50 Books | 50 Covers of 2023 Competition: American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) is delighted to usher in its annual 50 Books | 50 Covers competition, now in its 100th year, which recognizes the best in book and book cover design.
➜ Short description
AIGA's annual 50 Books | 50 Covers competition is turning 100! Starting in 1923 as the Fifty Books of the Year competition, this time-honored competition identifies the 50 best-designed books and book covers of the year.
The juror-selections from the AIGA 50 Books | 50 Covers competition will exemplify the best current work in book and book cover design from around the globe.
Entries are open to the public for print and digital books published and used in the marketplace in 2023.
All work must be published between 1 January 2023 and 31 December 2023. New work created after 31 December 2023 will not be considered.
Winners will become part of the AIGA Collection at the Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Columbia University’s Butler Library in New York City and published in a gallery on AIGA’s website.
➜ Submission requirements:
➜ A book must consist of at least 24 pages. Except for limited-editions and print-on-demand, print runs should generally be in excess of 250 copies. Books produced as limited-editions or print-on-demand are eligible. Digitally produced books (ebooks) are also eligible. Printed books must be either case-bound or paperbound between covers. Portfolios of loose pages do not qualify.
➜ In order for the jury to understand the content and context, 50 Books entries that are published in languages other than English must be sent with an English-language counterpart - this can be a previously published book or a bilingual book. Non-English 50 Covers entries must include a translation of the title and a U.S. - accessible ISBN or purchasing URL.
➜ Who may enter?
This competition is open to all work must be published between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2023.
➜ Prize:
Winners will become part of the AIGA Collection at the Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Columbia University’s Butler Library in New York City and published in a gallery on AIGA’s website.
➜ Entry fees:
During the Early Discount Deadline (26 February 2024) entry fee cost $75 for AIGA Members and for Nonmembers is $110. After that period ends amount of the fee will increase.
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