2026 Signature Image Search

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2026 Signature Image Search

2026 Signature Image Search is now open for entries!

2026 Signature Image Search : Signature Image Search, international potography competition organised by the Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity in Canada, has been recently opened for entries inviting professional mountain photographers worldwide.

Short description

Signature Image Search Now Open, organised by the Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity in Canada has been recently opened for entries open to professional mountain photographers worldwide.

Organiser is looking for an image that represent the 2026 Festival and the 2026-2027 World Tour and that evokes passion and energy, has a dynamic and enticing landscape and/or features a mountain activity.

The image can be taken from anywhere in the world, as long as it's mountain-themed.

The image must work well both vertically and horizontally.

Photos have been ideally taken in the past 5 years.

You can submit a maximum of 30 images.

The annual signature image will be used on marketing materials for Banff Centre Mountain Film and Book Festival, that takes place in Banff from Nov. 1-9, 2025, which includes posters, banners, website, and any marketing materials including brochures, programs, and our Festival/World Tour magazine.

Submission requirements:

Sumbitted images need to be in JPG files only, between 1 MB (minimum) – 3 MB (maximum) per image. If selected as a finalist, you will be asked for higher resolution images in May. The photographer of the chosen/winning image will be asked to provide a high-resolution RAW or TIFF file.

The image needs to be used in large formats sizes such as tall banners, 11 x 17 posters and larger, therefore the final image will need to be these approximate sizes:

Vertical – 300 dpi at 18 inches x 24 inches or larger
Horizontal – 300 dpi at 24 inches x 18 inches or larger

Who may enter?

The competition is open to professional mountain photographers.


The winner will receive $3,000.

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